Executive Coaching

As a leader, navigating your company through stormy weather can be a daunting task. Yet your role as Captain of your industry demands that you inspire confidence in your team by charting a course for success and to overcome your obstacles with clear, effective communication. However, it’s not uncommon for leaders to feel lost and teams to shy away from sharing their true feelings, which can leave you vulnerable to unforeseen challenges. That’s where this Executive Coaching course comes in. I offer an outside perspective to help you hone the skills you need to lead with confidence, clarity and charisma ensuring a safe and successful journey by discussing:


  • 1 x 60-minute consultation session
  • 10 x 60-minute coaching sessions
  • Bespoke session feedback reports with exercises for home practice

Effective leadership is key to the success of any organization. This Executive Coaching course is designed to equip you with the skills and confidence you need to steer your team towards success. Invest in yourself and your team by enrolling today.


If your audience doesn’t understand you, they won’t listen to you and this can leave you missing out on vital opportunities for both personal, professional and private progression.

In this three-week course, you’ll learn why you use verbal fillers and how to eliminate them. You’ll also learn a number of methods to help improve your conciseness of speech, your spoken gravitas and your persuasive power so that you can control high-stakes conversations, presentations and negotiations.

Does the idea of sitting with colleagues after work fill you with dread? Do you feel shy when trying to make your point in the office? Or perhaps you have a great idea but never get the chance to have it heard?

If you want move from feeling anxiety to feeling confident, let me help you feel empowered, able to speak your mind and clearly articulate your thoughts in any social setting.

In this course you will learn:

As the author of ‘Small Talk Small Ideas: Fifty Ways to Have a Deep Conversation‘ this course is designed to be both interactive and engaging to ensure you can put your new skills into practice.

Imagine being able to hold everyone’s attention by your words alone and then able to convince them that what you have to say is not only worth listening to, but worth acting on. That’s the power of storytelling.

When listening to someone speak, you’re twenty times more likely to remember a story than a mere fact delivered by bullet point. This means that if you aren’t sharing your valuable insights without a campfire-worthy tale, you’re making your valuable information far more forgettable. If you’re the type of person who tends to list out the facts or read off the screen, this is the course for you.

In this course you will learn:

Is your voice sabotaging your first impressions by being weak, croaky, or nasally? Do you find that your voice hurts after a short speech? Are people constantly asking you to slow down or speak up? Perhaps you simply dislike the sound of your own voice? If any of the above apply to you, consider this: all voices work on air, so the path to improving your voice simply lies in learning how to use that air better.

As a voice actor and documentary narrator I’ve leant my voice to companies all around the world for over a decade. I’ve also written a global best selling book on the topic of vocal development, meaning your voice lessons will be in expert hands. No matter what you want to do to improve your voice, I’d be happy to show you how.

During a voice coaching session we can cover topics such as:

The difference between a leader and a follower is the vision. A leader shares this vision with their followers so that the group can synchronise their efforts and move forward in the right direction. Without this vision, groups typically kick up a lot of dust, only to discover that they’ve been walking in circles. This death loop in the desert is only avoided by clear communication skills on the part of the leader.

Although the days of barking orders and being obeyed without question are behind us, the leader’s vision remains paramount. The competent leader of the modern workforce serves their vision, and thus the success of the entire group, by cultivating emotional intelligence, persuasiveness, and decisiveness. For today’s leader, self-betterment betters the lives of their entire team.

In this three-work course, you’ll learn how to clarify your vision, improve your communication of it and empower your team to be in it for the long haul and go the distance.

Are you looking to improve your confidence on camera to command respect in virtual meetings, even if you’re trembling inside?

If you’re a to improve your virtual image, this course will be tailored to your specific needs. With easy-to-follow practical exercises, you’ll be able to quickly master the art of projecting confident body language both on screen and on camera.

In this three week course you will typically learn:


There is no more universally felt fear than that of public speaking; it’s often joked to be second only to death itself. This means at a funeral most would rather be in the casket than at the podium delivering the eulogy!

For over a thousand years, great speakers have shared their fears of speaking in public. Even during the golden age of public speaking, a pencil scrawl written by a man sentenced to be hanged read “I would rather face the gallows than speak to the crowd before it”.

Whether you’re saying “Hello” on a zoom call or standing up for a simple meeting, if you find you’re trembling before an audience in person or remote, big or small, in this one-off course you will learn:

This course also comes with an optional bespoke report which outlines your current strengths, weaknesses and exercises for home practice.

Do you feel nervous when it’s your turn to speak? Do you lack the confidence to deliver your presentation as persuasively as possible? Is your career or personal life being sabotaged by communication breakdowns?

You may have great stories to share or ideas to propose, but if you lack the eloquence and gravitas to state it clearly and with confidence, it will be difficult for others to truly hear what you have to say.

If you want to be heard and seen as you deserve to be, my bespoke five-lesson Public Speaking course stands at the ready to arm you with the tips, techniques, and traits that can turn you into a powerful orator that can command the room.



Public Speaking

Public Speaking

Stage Fright

Stage Fright

Confidence on Camera

Confidence on Camera



Voice Coaching

Voice Coaching



Social Skills

Social Skills

Communication Clarity

Communication Clarity

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

Bespoke learning packages are also available