
Course Length:

Four Weeks - Online



Imagine being able to hold everyone’s attention by your words alone and then able to convince them that what you have to say is not only worth listening to, but worth acting on. That’s the power of storytelling.

When listening to someone speak, you’re twenty times more likely to remember a story than a mere fact delivered by bullet point. This means that if you aren’t sharing your valuable insights without a campfire-worthy tale, you’re making your valuable information far more forgettable. If you’re the type of person who tends to list out the facts or read off the screen, this is the course for you.

In this course you will learn:

  • How to find, retell and create your own stories
  • The ancient persuasive rhetoric of Ethos, Pathos, Logos
  • How to influence the emotions of your audience
  • How to vividly portray a scene to keep your audience enthralled
  • How to vary your tone of voice to have the sound of a master storyteller


As a Barrister I have found this course to be an excellent refresher for improving my advocating skills.

—P. Haynes

Richard helped me learn how to tell stories to my new Grandchildren. He creates a very comfortable environment and I felt at ease through the whole session. He also makes it easy by taking notes and sharing these with you after. My Grandchildren are very happy now!

—B. Petts

Following Richard’s storytelling method for a round of interviews helped me nearly double my paygrade. He taught me more in a week than I’d gathered from all the books I’ve read.

—K. Hufford

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

Stage Fright

Stage Fright

Confidence on Camera

Confidence on Camera



Voice Coaching

Voice Coaching



Social Skills

Social Skills

Communication Clarity

Communication Clarity

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

Bespoke learning packages are also available