Press Contact

For all press contact or inquiries please use the contact form.

There are no cancellation fees if you give me at least 48 hours notice. Same day cancellations are non-refundable.

I am not a speech language pathologist. My methods have not been peer reviewed, but I welcome them to be tested. I strongly recommend individuals with a vocal disability or who have undergone vocal surgery to consult a medically certified speech language pathologist.

As I am primarily a communication skills specialist, I do not offer voice acting coaching. Instead I offer an informal Q&A session for anyone interested in pursuing voice acting as a hobby to help point you in the right direction for £100. During this Q&A I will outline what has worked for myself and then recommend other experts who I have hired to improve my own skills.

For coaching advice for established talent, I would recommend you contact either Guy Harris or Philip Banks.

To all new talent: if any ‘coach’ promises to secure you clients, give you representation or produce you a full demo reel when you have just started – it’s probably a scam, so run away!

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

Stage Fright

Stage Fright

Confidence on Camera

Confidence on Camera



Voice Coaching

Voice Coaching



Social Skills

Social Skills

Communication Clarity

Communication Clarity

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

Bespoke learning packages are also available